At first glance, the 00 Qan[T] (or Quanta) looked much like a beefed up 00, but later on, I saw a few details that are very much taken from the Exia, like the face and the Upper Torso.
I actually like the first Q (blue and white, no red and with more Exia and some GNX features) that came out before the "official" version was announced. The first one was also seen in a screen shot after the 00 movie was announced, so one can only speculate if that was a prototype or later version that would appear in the movie.
On with the WIP.
As was mentioned earlier, The Upper Torso is More Exia Like than 00, so I'll be using the the Exia's torso as the base.
I started by cutting off parts the collar to which the antennae/collar fins are connected to. I'm not sure if these things will have any future use, but I saved them anyways.
I'll use the main collar as the base for the new collar fins, so I "repaired" it by cementing small pieces to the "open" sections then trimming it appropriately.
I then cut the chest armor into several pieces so I can "reverse" the angle of the protrusions to match it with the lineart.
Then I sawed and trimmed the hatch armor for the modification. This is a rather straightforward mod, with the usual estimating cuts and trims to the plapate based on the lineart rather than making accurate measurements.
I've used most of the Exia's armor parts as the bases for the modifications to exploit their connections to the inner frame.
First modification booboo. I was trying to avoid heavy modifications (ie, cutting frame parts to fit mods), but apparently, that led to my first mistake. I thickened red the side waist armor at the back section in order to avoid having to cut the frame, but later realized that the result didn't look good. So I removed the sandwiched strips with my knife (contrary to popular belief, you can separate cemented parts so as long it hasn't fully cured, but, can lead to damage when not done properly), and rebuilt the side waist armor using the same separated strips.
I then estimated how much of the frame should be cut by dry fitting the armor parts and scoring the frame itself with a blunt knife. I then removed the part by running the blunt knife a few times over the score mark, using a saw when needed, and smoothing out the edges afterward.
Test fit. Before and after the modification fix.
How it looks so far.
Oh. So that teaser was Qan[T].
You're modifying 2 models at the same time?
More like kit-bashing two (Exia + 00) to make the Qan[T].
awesome! can't wait 2 see the end product
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