Even with a lower entry turnout of entries this year, the GBWC wasn't so
uneventful to at least some people, both entrants and spectators. I've
previously posted about being good sports and "
all that jazz," but that
is not what this post is about.
Well, almost not. As a creative consultant cum
art/creative director cum experimental photographer cum writer/songwriter cum all-round repairman (as a joke, I say I cum a lot), I
try as much as possible to be "original" with any form of creative
effort I involve myself in. That's getting to be a very difficult
effort more and more these days as I get older and them young 'uns just
keep getting younger and craftier, but, like a warrior hell bent on
whatever, I guess I'll carry on doing creative stuff, or any semblance
of it, till I can do it no longer.
Jude Devereaux once(?) said,
"there are no new stories." He is very much correct in that aspect that
every story ever told have been told and retold a million times over,
in a span of a million or so generations. But, a friend amended that
adage, quite wittingly, if I may add; "there are no new stories, only
new storytellers." I have since then adapted that as my personal
You may ask, has this anything to do with Gundams or
Gunpla, or is this another one of your "socially relevant posts?" I'm
getting to that, and the answer is both.
With exception to my
Facebook posts, I haven't been posting any blog updates with regards to
the Haribon, because personally, I believe the project is actually done,
and during the last couple of weeks I had building, I barely had enough
time to wander out of my "cave" to even write anything. For me,
writing takes time. This post alone took hours convincing myself to
write, because I reasoned that the Facebook post related to it should be
enough. In that post, I talked about covering all my bases, but how is
not posting a blog update be that?
A few hours earlier, I was at
awe with a Facebook post at both MACFB and GundamPh regarding most
everyone's fave kit off all time (I say most, because some don't see why
it's everyone's favorite kit). I'm talking about another Sinanju, this
time "hybridized" with pair or Desthscythe wings. More on that later.
what, you may ask? Well, ever since I started the Haribon a few months
back, when all my plans of conquering the universe with the Bathala got
derailed by a GBWC rule change, I had to rethink a lot of things mainly
because I didn't have a backup plan, and to begin with, I didn't even
have a plan A. With barely a couple of months for me to build anything
MatX style, I began that long, short journey into the unknown with
nothing but an idea, and a "perfect" kit" for that idea.
my kit choice for the Haribon was no fluke. I never even knew of the
Marasai till I saw the MG version at GundamGuy's blog, so when I went
a-hunting for kits at TRU Makati (before they closed for the transfer), I
wasn't at all a bit surprised when I saw an MG Marasai hidden behind
several kits deep, in that two arm-span display case. The salesperson
remembered me well, and he connected me to another modeler (whom I
happened to know) who also had the kit reserved, but that's another
At this point, you're already wondering, "where the hell
is this going? What has one seemingly irrelevant thing got to do with
another?" At this point, if you're still reading this, I can only bet
you don't even know you're knee-deep into a story, carefully woven to
draw you in. And this story is about Stone Cannonballs.
This is what you did, "Senator..." |
during the GBWC, people said things, other people heard what those
people said, and told other people what they heard. if you've read the
bible, or listened to gossip, you'll find out fast that
as the story
changes lips, the story also changes. But, like in our current events,
like how
a certain senator has fast become our country's shame, some
people copy other people's ideas, but
how can Person A copy Persons B's "idea" if neither has seen each other's work until the event? Person A actually ASKED ME if he can copy from me with the Ronin (If you're listening, dear senator, that's what asking permission to "reference" someone else's is), and he credited me later on (and that is what we call accreditation, or citing one's source). Person A asked permission and credited me, despite the fact that I don't even consider what he did as being "copied" if at all.
He used the techniques I used on the Ronin and I believe he made a few improvements on his own (that is called innovation) applying what I did with cans with an airbrush.
But that's not what this story
is about, though they're still rather
connected. There are times, when two people separated by distance and
culture, think somewhat alike, and somewhat at the same "wavelength" as
the expression goes, come up with similar ideas without even knowing it,
till one sees what the other has done.
And here is where the story comes together. A few hours ago, someone posted this at MACFB and GundamPh:
"Encounter" by Yamatatsu, 2011 GBWC Japan Champion |
I got a mild panic that ran a few seconds, because the concept is rather similar with that of the Haribon's original dio. Mine had the Haribon hovering over water, pointing at a human atop a seaside cliff. I later decided to ditch the water + cliff scene as the deadline loomed mainly because the Vallejo Water effects took longer than I have expected to look like water, the case being I was biting more than I can chew and choking after i tried to swallow it. Forget the other elements involved, I recognized the concept being too similar on two elements;
the human and the robot standing over.
Since I wasn't able to enter at all, I wasn't planning on revealing anything else but the Haribon, and how far It was in completion, and how far I have gone in terms of speeding up my builds, not to mention how closely I have come this time to achieving AB quality using cans (yes, my spray can detractors, I have discovered a not-so-new way to use cans). I wasn't going to show the diorama, but a few people are privy as to how it looks like. A few hours after seeing the great work of Yamatatsu above,
I felt compelled to reveal the diorama, citing the incident above.
"The Chosen" |
This is where the Stone Cannonballs come in. I got this idea from an episode of Mythbusters, during a discussion at Facebook about the above photo.
Apparently, the English could have used these Stone Cannonballs to prevent enemies
from using their own ammo against them, either by reusing the ammo or
melting them into new cannons.
I'm quite familiar with how some
people use ignorance (or being ignorant) an excuse to accuse someone of, say, COPYING
someone else's work (
like how that same senator is now accusing the
long-dead Kennedy he copied from to take the heat away from him. I
mean, how DUMB, and in this case, a senator, can one person be?) that even though I posted this
earlier on, I will still be accused regardless. That's just fine by me,
except that since now I've covered all my bases so far, they can't
accuse me anymore even if they try their best because this blog post, and my FB posts are now
STAMPED Stone Cannonballs. They can't shoot them back at me anymore;
these are designed to "
shatter into pieces but still inflict the same
damage like a steel cannonball." If you can't figure out the allegory,
it doesn't really matter, but it simply means I prevented "the enemy,"
whomever that is, to shoot at me with mine own ammo. They won't even be able to "shoot blanks."
So there. As I delve into Yamatatsu's diorama and mine,
the differences in concept begin where the similarities end. We were telling a different story with a rather similar scene or setting. I'd like to believe that adage "great minds think alike," but how can I say it without sounding crass (as far as some people are concerned)? He obviously likes the Sinanju as much as I do, since this is his second Sinanju entry as far as I know. Of course, like I mentioned earlier, I can't really compare his work in terms of skill to mine. I'm not ready for a water effect diorama, and a friend was right in warning me about it, that it's one of the most difficult to pull off. Hence why it changed in the first place into something I could pull off quick.
There are no new stories. But new storytellers can instead tell the same story in a different light...